생리 전에 아랫배가 무거울 때 통증의 원인을 파악하려면?


한 달에 한 번 있는 생리는 여성에게 너무 친근하고 당연한 존재이지만, 마냥 기쁘지는 않습니다.

생리 전에 아랫배가 무겁고 아픈 통증, 왔다갔다한 기분이 찾아와 일상의 만족감을 크게 떨어뜨리기 때문입니다.

그런데 평소와 달리 특히 불편감이 심하다면 원인을 알고 바로잡아야 합니다.

생리 전에 아랫배가 많이 무거워진 이유는? 한 달에 한 번 있는 생리는 여성에게 너무 친근하고 당연한 존재이지만, 마냥 기쁘지는 않습니다.

생리 전에 아랫배가 무겁고 아픈 통증, 왔다갔다한 기분이 찾아와 일상의 만족감을 크게 떨어뜨리기 때문입니다.

그런데 평소와 달리 특히 불편감이 심하다면 원인을 알고 바로잡아야 합니다.

생리 전에 아랫배가 많이 무거워진 이유는?

체형, 체질, 평소 생활 습관이 각각 다르기 때문에 생리 전, 후의 불쾌감에도 어느 정도 차이가 있는데요. 하지만 평소와 달리 아랫배가 눅눅하고 아픈 느낌이 강한 면 그 원인을 여성호르몬의 변화에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

여성호르몬(에스트로겐)은 크게 세 가지로 구분되며 각각 체지방 유지, 정상 월경과 임신, 콜레스테롤 조절, 여성질환 예방 등의 역할을 합니다.

체형, 체질, 평소 생활 습관이 각각 다르기 때문에 생리 전, 후의 불쾌감에도 어느 정도 차이가 있는데요. 하지만 평소와 달리 아랫배가 눅눅하고 아픈 느낌이 강한 면 그 원인을 여성호르몬의 변화에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

여성호르몬(에스트로겐)은 크게 세 가지로 구분되며 각각 체지방 유지, 정상 월경과 임신, 콜레스테롤 조절, 여성질환 예방 등의 역할을 합니다.

특히 매월 반복되는 생리 시기에 자궁내막 두께에 영향을 미쳐 생리 직전, 중간, 후에 다양한 신체 변화를 가져옵니다.

그런데 갱년기, 폐경기에 가까워지면 호르몬 감소로 인해서 이런 기능이 제대로 안 되는데요. 특히 매월 반복되는 생리 시기에 자궁내막 두께에 영향을 미쳐 생리 직전, 중간, 후에 다양한 신체 변화를 가져옵니다.

그런데 갱년기, 폐경기에 가까워지면 호르몬 감소로 인해서 이런 기능이 제대로 안 되는데요.

오시리, 출처 앤 스플래시, 출처 앤 스플래시

이 과정에서 생리 전 하복부의 중한 증상, 통증이 강해지는 것은 물론 생리 전 증후군 PMS가 없던 사람도 각종 이상을 느끼기도 합니다.

흔한 여성 호르몬 불균형 문제 이 과정에서 생리 전 하복부의 중한 증상, 통증이 강해지는 것은 물론 생리 전 증후군 PMS가 없던 사람도 각종 이상을 느끼기도 합니다.

흔한 여성 호르몬 불균형 문제

그런데 스트레스, 과로, 수면 부족, 식습관 변화 등의 이유로 최근에는 급격한 여성호르몬 감소와 불균형 문제가 너무 많아졌습니다.

즉, 완경 시기가 앞당겨지면서 40대 이른 나이에 찾아올 가능성도 존재한다는 뜻입니다.

그래서 특히 생리 전에 아랫배가 무겁게 느껴진다면 에스트로겐의 균형을 맞춰주고 갱년기 관리도 서둘러야 합니다.

여성 호르몬의 균형을 맞추는 방법 그런데 스트레스, 과로, 수면 부족, 식습관 변화 등의 이유로 최근에는 급격한 여성호르몬 감소와 불균형 문제가 너무 많아졌습니다.

즉, 완경 시기가 앞당겨지면서 40대 이른 나이에 찾아올 가능성도 존재한다는 뜻입니다.

그래서 특히 생리 전에 아랫배가 무겁게 느껴진다면 에스트로겐의 균형을 맞춰주고 갱년기 관리도 서둘러야 합니다.

여성 호르몬의 균형을 맞추는 방법

sasun1990, 출처 Unsplash sasun1990, 출처 Unsplash

In order to maintain the remaining female hormones in the body and replenish the insufficient estrogen, it is important to improve the wrong lifestyle first. Factors such as caffeine drinks, alcohol, smoking, stress, and stimulating meals consume female hormones quickly and cause various health problems, so this part should be corrected first. Next, it is encouraged to directly replenish the ingredients that are good for women’s health. combination of nutrients required for menopause In order to maintain the remaining female hormones in the body and replenish the insufficient estrogen, it is important to improve the wrong lifestyle first. Factors such as caffeine drinks, alcohol, smoking, stress, and stimulating meals consume female hormones quickly and cause various health problems, so this part should be corrected first. Next, it is encouraged to directly replenish the ingredients that are good for women’s health. combination of nutrients required for menopause

When people think of fruits that are good for women, they think of pomegranate first. In fact, pomegranate extract is a functional ingredient certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety that helps women during menopause. When people think of fruits that are good for women, they think of pomegranate first. In fact, pomegranate extract is a functional ingredient certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety that helps women during menopause.

According to a paper published in the SCI Level Journal, women who experience a decrease in female hormones were given pomegranate extract, and the menopause symptoms and evaluation index improved significantly. As mentioned earlier, reduction and imbalance of female hormones can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, as well as menopause symptoms such as flushing of the face and sweating, so supplementation through pomegranate extract is necessary. According to a paper published in the SCI Level Journal, women who experience a decrease in female hormones were given pomegranate extract, and the menopause symptoms and evaluation index improved significantly. As mentioned earlier, reduction and imbalance of female hormones can cause severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, as well as menopause symptoms such as flushing of the face and sweating, so supplementation through pomegranate extract is necessary.

Next, it is recommended to replenish gamma linolenic acid components in pairs. If the cholesterol and fat control ability of the body in charge of female hormones decreases, the possibility of various vascular diseases increases. At this time, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety officially recognized that gamma linolenic acid helps improve blood cholesterol and blood circulation. Next, it is recommended to replenish gamma linolenic acid components in pairs. If the cholesterol and fat control ability of the body in charge of female hormones decreases, the possibility of various vascular diseases increases. At this time, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety officially recognized that gamma linolenic acid helps improve blood cholesterol and blood circulation.

In a related study, when women with high blood lipid levels were given gamma linolenic acid, neutral lipids and LDL cholesterol decreased and good HDL cholesterol increased. At this time, it would be better to choose gamma linolenic acid extracted from boradillo as much as possible. In a related study, when women with high blood lipid levels were given gamma linolenic acid, neutral lipids and LDL cholesterol decreased and good HDL cholesterol increased. At this time, it would be better to choose gamma linolenic acid extracted from boradillo as much as possible.

This is because there are more than three times as many gamma-linolenic acids in Borazil compared to moonflower oil, which is generally known to be rich in gamma-linolenic acid. This is because there are more than three times as many gamma-linolenic acids in Borazil compared to moonflower oil, which is generally known to be rich in gamma-linolenic acid.

If you are a woman who is about to go through menopause, you should bring vitamin D as well. During the period of decrease in female hormones, core components in bones are quickly discharged, and bone problems such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia are likely to occur in the process. Therefore, vitamin D necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium is necessary. If you are a woman who is about to go through menopause, you should bring vitamin D as well. During the period of decrease in female hormones, core components in bones are quickly discharged, and bone problems such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia are likely to occur in the process. Therefore, vitamin D necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium is necessary.

For your information, as we’ve seen so far, the method of properly mixing and ingesting ingredients that are good for women’s health is called “menomics.” Therefore, if your lower abdomen feels heavy and painful before menstruation, it is recommended that you follow it. For your information, as we’ve seen so far, the method of properly mixing and ingesting ingredients that are good for women’s health is called “menomics.” Therefore, if your lower abdomen feels heavy and painful before menstruation, it is recommended that you follow it.


Before dappid, before dappid, before dappid, before dappid, before dappid, before dappid

If you live a complicated life, you can’t help but neglect nutrition management and get closer to stress and fatigue. This is a factor that promotes imbalance and rapid decrease in female hormones, so it is better to manage them consciously. Let’s cheer for your daily life and wrap this up. If you live a complicated life, you can’t help but neglect nutrition management and get closer to stress and fatigue. This is a factor that promotes imbalance and rapid decrease in female hormones, so it is better to manage them consciously. Let’s cheer for your daily life and wrap this up.